Private Cloud Offerings
Deployment of cloud infrastructure has become a necessity for business and IT without disrupting business risk, security, compliance, and performance.
Click2Cloud supports enterprises throughout their cloud infrastructure deployment process and empowers them with private cloud offerings, a cloud framework for computing, storage, and network services.
To get the benefit of hybrid cloud and Edge computing an enterprise can accelerate the use of OpenStack, Apsara Stack, and Azure Stack services to transform technologies into the cloud and deep industry growth to deliver abiding value.
OpenStack: Deploying a workload across clouds has become a tedious task for IT admins. Click2Cloud offers a service of Terraform that has several modules that will allow you to manage your OpenStack infrastructure. It does support some of the components of OpenStack, namely: Block Storage, Compute, Networking, Load Balancer, Firewall, and Object Storage.
Click2Cloud with the private cloud provider offers a service of OpenStack to onboard in the Orchestration feature to create, update, and delete infrastructure through user-defined templates.
Apsara Stack: Elastic Cloud Service (ECS), Image Management Service (IMS), and Object Storage Service (OSS) are standard services that Click2Cloud used for migration or terraform implementation. Some government sector units had their infrastructure running on VMware virtualization and Alibaba public cloud platform in a hybrid manner. This user wanted to migrate their infra to Alibaba private cloud i.e. Apsara Stack, for which Click2Cloud offered them a framework to migrate their workload to the Apsara Stack.
Click2Cloud enables Terraform to support private and public clouds to create, manage, and update infrastructure resources such as physical machines, VMs, network switches, and containers.
Azure Stack: Leading banking sectors have their workload on the public cloud. Leading banks and other Fintech companies have strict regulatory and security compliance to adhere to. Click2Cloud can help them to migrate their workload to Azure Stack which is an environment of the user's choice within their security policies. Azure compute service, Azure file storage, are some of the standard services which Click2Cloud has used for migration and terraform implementation.
This helped them with cost-effective cloud utilization, manage complex in-house data centers, servers, and became more agile, flexible, and integrated. It provides banking sectors with infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) applications that helped in maintaining, hosting, updating, and scaling services.
Features of Private Cloud Offerings:
1. Multi-Tier Application:
Click2Cloud offers one of the services of Terraform for building and managing infrastructures with multi-tier applications. Every single tire is a collection of resources that are handled automatically.
2. Self-Service Cluster:
Using self-service clusters of Terraform, Click2Cloud provides the knowledge of how to build and scale service for code configuration. Terraform configuration enables the self-service clusters shared within an organization that helps teams to use terraform as a tool to manage their services.
3. Multi-Cloud Deployment:
Click2Cloud is a cloud-agnostic that offers a service of multi-cloud deployment that allows a single configuration to be used to manage multiple providers, and even to handle cross-cloud dependencies. This simplifies management and orchestration, helping operators build largescale multi-cloud infrastructure.
4. Software-Defined Networking:
Click2Cloud provides a service where you can codify the configuration for software-defined networking. As an example, AWS VPC is one of the most commonly used SDN implementations and can be configured by Click2Cloud’s Terraform services. This helps in automatic changes with configured versions.
Private cloud offerings/solutions have accelerated operational modernization for on-premise security and reliability. Private cloud is easy to use and access because they are onsite cloud solutions.
Wrapping Up!
Private cloud offerings from Click2Cloud delivers you the luxury and flexibility of modernizing your applications. It provides you with data sovereignty, security, and compliance. Make your work effortless with seamless private cloud solutions to empower cloud services like Compute, Storage, and Network.